JB1113-LF Liquid Dispenser - Timed Shot
The JB1113-LF automatic dispenser is the most popular bench controller used in industry today offering excellent value and features. It is used for many syringe dispensing applications from low viscosity cyanoacrylate to high viscosity silicones.
SL101 Digital Dispenser - Nine Programs - Three Modes
The latest in digital controller technology with a clear digital display, the SL101 dispenses timed micro shots from 0.01 to 0-99.99 seconds. The digital dispenser has three modes of operation, manual, timed and cycling. Nine programs may be stored in the controller memory. Suitable for use in bench dispensing or integrated to an automated system.
DSP501LF Liquid Dispenser High Volume Controller - Timed Shot
The DSP501LF is recommended for liquid dispensing applications requiring a larger volume of pneumatic pressure such as when dispensing silicone from cartridges, glue from tubes with an autotube system or controlling a 3-way valve. The unit exhausts a greater volume of air, which helps prevent fluid run-on.
DSP501A-4 Multiple Output Dispenser - Timed Shot
The DSP501A-4 controller has the same characteristics as a DSP501A, but features ganged pneumatic outputs for multiple dispensing of up to four syringes or valves. The dispenser is controlled by a single press of the foot switch and the controller's timer takes control of the dispense period. The suck-back feature helps to prevent possible dripping or fluid drool.
PPD130 Peristaltic Pump Dispenser
Air free dispensing is often required for accurate transfer of volatile liquids, the technology is proven and the pumps are chosen to avoid hazardous substances. Operator contact is limited and the PPD130 can dispense shots between 0.01 - 6ml/min using Teflon tubing. The pump is reversible to provide snuff-back.
VS215A-II-CE Liquid Dispenser - Manual
An electrically operated manual dispenser for use when a timed shot is either not possible or required. Pneumatic air is regulated and the controller features a suck-back operation to prevent dripping or drool at the tip after the dispensing operation.
DB815 Liquid Dispenser - Manual
Often a non electrically operated dispensing system is required for hazardous environments where electrical switching is not recommended, the DB815 is suitable for these circumstances. The DB815 is an economic pneumatic foot switch system, which is placed under a bench on the floor, a longer hose reaches from the dispenser to the bench.
DD305A Digital Dispenser - Dual Output - Six Programs
A digital dispenser with some special features including, two pneumatic regulated outputs for dual dispensing from valves or syringes. A further unregulated output on the rear that acts as a pneumatic source for a reservoir. Six dispensing programs are stored in the non-volatile memory and the display has bright red characters.
DK118 Digital Dispenser - Teach & Learn
A teach & learn dispenser with a large brightly illuminated digital display. Programmable timed micro-shots can be fast cycling at 600 a second. Once a shot size is determined it may be stored and recalled for future repeatable operations. The system is suitable for bench use and integration to an I&J Fisnar robot.
Vacuum Bench Pick & Place Machines
Many applications require a vacuum pick & place wand to be used in conjunction with a dispenser for adhesive, flux, glue, flux paste and liquid flux dispensing. I&J Fisnar offer vacuum pick & place systems using air only or electrically switched using a foot pedal.
SMD602A-CE Liquid Dispenser with Pick & Place
A bench assembly system that integrates a timed shot controller with a vacuum pick & place wand. Ideal for miniature component bench assembly such as in electronics, medical and jewelry jobs where the applications require adhesive and flux dispensing with precise placement of an article. |