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Two-Part, Meter, Mix, and Dispense Equipment

  Gear Pump Systems
Gear pump systems are designed for lower viscosities and higher volumes. They are generally more costly than piston pump meter mix machines but are suited to an automatic assembly line system. The two components enter into a precision gear that can very accurately meter the flow and therefore the volume of material. Mixing nozzles finally mix the two components.

  Piston Pump Systems
A piston pump meter mix dispensing machine is a cost effect solution, particularly with higher viscosities and moderate production output. Two metering pumps of exact size and ratio dispense the two materials through non-return valves to a static mixing nozzle, the two materials pass through a series of mixing elements until blended into one component.

  Static Mixing Nozzles
A range of static mixing nozzles provide sizes based upon the number of elements in the nozzle, which can range from 24 to 56, the number of elements are determined by the material manufacturer. Static mixers are used with both piston pump and gear pump machines. I&J Fisnar provide nozzles for all makes of meter mix machines.